your internet guide to all things catfish
Genus Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
B |
baculum | Latin for rod, stick or staff, referring to its shape (Encheloclarias baculum). |
bachi | In honour of José Bach, a physician working on the Rio Juruá of Brazil in the late 1800s, who collected holotype, (Peckoltichthys bachi). |
baderi | Dedicated to Mr.Herbert Bader. |
bahiensis | Named for the State province of Bahia in Brazil where this species is located (Paratocinclus bahiensis). |
bajad | Local name for this catfish along the Nile River in Egypt (also spelled bayad), (Bagrus bajad). |
balayi | In honour of French explorer and colonial administrator Noel Eugene Balay (1847-1902), who collected type (Parauchenoglanis balayi). |
baliola | Named from the Latin baliolus (meaning chestnut or reddish brown), after its colour pattern (Rineloricaria baliola). |
balios | From the Greek adjective balios, meaning spotted, in reference to the colour pattern of the new species formed by circular black blotches. |
bankanensis | From the Island of Banka, (or Bangka,) Sumatru. |
barbatus/um | Bearded, alluding to bristles. |
barbarmatus | barbus, from barba (L.), beard; armatus (L.), armed with a weapon, referring to dermal ossifications (small scutelets) on barbels (Dentectus barbarmatus). |
barbosae | Cambeva barbosae is named in honour of the Brazilian ichthyologist Maria Anaïs Barbosa, for her efforts to collect and study trichomycterines from Santa Catarina. |
barbus | The specific name of barbus: latinisation of barbue, vernacular among French sailors, probably referring to its six barbels (unusual for a marine fish), (Genidens barbus). |
barnardi | Continuing the tradition of naming species in this genus after directors of the South African Museum, in honour of Keppel Harcourt Barnard (1887-1964), who described A. gilli in 1943 (Austroglanis barnardi). |
barrae | Named for the Rio São Francisco near Barra in Brazil, which is this species' type locality. |
basilisko | The Basilisk (from the Greek, basilisko? [= basiliskos], diminutive of basileu? [= basileus], meaning "little king") is a mythical creature known as the king of snakes, which is often represented with a crown on his head. This crown makes an allusion to the three strong ridges at the top of head of the new species. A noun in apposition. |
bastari | Of Bastar District, Madhya Pradesh, India, the type locality (Clupisoma bastari). |
bastiani | In honour of M. (probably Monsieur) Bastian (no other information available), who collected type (Synodontis bastiani). |
batensoda | From Schal baten soda, local name for this catfish in Cairo, Egypt, meaning “the Schal [Arabic vernacular in Egypt for squeaker catfishes in general] with the black belly” (Synodontis batensoda). |
batesi | In honour of Bates, the English explorer and collector. |
bathyphilus | From the Greek ‘bathos’ (deep) and ‘phileos’ (love). |
batmani | The name batmani, alludes to Bob Kane's hero Batman of the comic adventures, which had a bat shape for his symbol, referring to the single W- or bat-shaped vertical spot on the caudal-fin (Otocinclus batmani). |
batrachus | From ‘batrachus’, a frog; frog-like. |
baudoensis | From the locality of the Baudó River basin in Colombia. |
beagle | Honours the Laboratory of Molecular Systematics – Beagle, Department of Animal Biology, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, the lab where the only specimens of the new species were found preserved, (Trichogenes beagle). |
beccarii | In honour of Italian biologist Nello Beccari (1883–1957), who collected holotype (Vandellia beccarii). |
beggini | In honour of Chris Beggin for his financial support of this research, ethical ornamental fish business practices, and influence on the professional development of the first author (Baryancistrus beggini). |
belenos | From the Celtic mythological deity Belenos, whose name means "the one who is shining", an allusion to its iridescent colour in life" (Britto, 1998). |
bellezaensis | The epithet specific bellezaensis, It is a homage of the author (Carlos A. Ardila Rodriguez) to the municipality of beauty, Department of Santander - Colombia. |
benattii | The specifc name, benattii, honours the late Laert Benatti for his humanitarian work, providing fresh water from artesian wells to poor communities in Brazil. Case is genitive. |
beni | From the Rio Beni, in Bolivia and Peru, South America. |
beninei | Rhyacoglanis beninei is named in honour of Ricardo Cardoso Benine, Professor at Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, in recognition of his dedication and remarkable contributions to the knowledge of Neotropical freshwater fishes. |
beninensis | The specific epithet is geographic, in general reference to southern Nigeria, where the types originated (Malapterurus beninensis). |
benjamini | Named in honour of Marcus Benjamin, Editor of the publications of the United States National Museum. |
berdmorei | In honour of Berdmore. |
berneyi | After ornithologist, F. L. Berney. |
betabelardense | The species epithet betabelardense ('beta', the second letter of the Greek alphabet, and 'abelardense', Portuguese word referring to people born in Abelardo Luz municipality) is an allusion to the second new species described for this area (Cambeva betabelardense). |
bethanae | Named after the authors daughter, Bethan Grant (Corydoras bethanae). |
bicirrhis | With two filaments, (or barbels). |
bicolor | Two coloured. |
bifidus | Latin, bifidus = forked, referring to the posterolateral mental barbels having two branches. |
bifurcum | From the Latin adjective bifurcum, meaning two-pronged, in reference to the two evertible cheek odontodes characteristic of this species. |
bilineatus | With two lines. |
bimaculatus | With two spots. |
bifasciatus | From the Latin bi = ‘two’ or ‘double’ and fasciatus = ‘striped’, alluding to the 2 stripes on the body. |
birindellii | In honour of José Luís Olivan Birindelli. |
biscutatus | bi-, two; scutatus, shielded, referring to the nuchal shield divided into two parts (Auchenoglanis biscutatus). |
bleekeri | In honour of Dutch medical doctor and ichthyologist Pieter Bleeker (1819-1878), who reported this catfish as M. keletius in 1853 (Mystus bleekeri). |
blochi | In honour of Marcus E. Bloch, German physician and ichthyologist, (1723-1799). In 1794 he described Cataphractus punctatus which is now Corydoras punctatus, the type species of the genus Corydoras. |
bockmanni | Named for Flávio A. Bockmann, in appreciation for his guidance and his contributions to the knowledge of Neotropical catfishes. |
bocourti | In honour of Bocourt. |
boehlkei | Named in honour of Dr. James E. Böhlke. |
boemia | Bohemian, i.e., “one who lives unconventionally, chiefly at night,” referring to its nocturnal habits (Tatia boemia). |
boesmani | Named in honour of Dr. Boesman. |
bolivianus | From Bolivia; Bolivian. |
bondi | This Corydoras sp.was named in honour of the Director of Fisheries at Cape Town, Dr.Franklyn F. Bond. |
borelli | In honour of Dr. Borell, the collector. |
borneensis | –ensis, suffix denoting place: western Borneo, Indonesia, type locality (also occurs in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Viêt Nam), (Hemipimelodus borneensis). |
botius | Presumably a local Bengali name for this catfish in India, (Glyptothorax botius). |
botuvera | The name botuvera is an allusion to the occurrence of the species in the municipality of Botuverá, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. This name is derived from the Tupi-Guarani, possibly meaning brilliant mountain. |
boulengeri | In honour of George Albert Boulenger, the Belgian ichthyologist. Born in1858, he took over Guenthers position as Director of the Ichthyological Department at the British Museum during the 1880's. He died in 1937. |
brachiatus | Latin for having branches like arms, presumably referring its to “very large” pectoral spines (Centrodoras brachiatus). |
brachybarbatus | brachýs, short; barbatus (L.), bearded, referring to shorter nasal barbels compared with the similar A. maculipinnis (Akysis brachybarbatus). |
brachylecis | Derived from the Greek brachy (short), and lekis (plate or dish), in reference to the relatively shallow midlateral scutes. |
brachyrhabdion | brachýs, short; rhabdíon, barbel, referring to shorter maxillary barbel compared to other congeners with a truncate or slightly emarginated caudal fin (Tachysurus brachyrhabdion). |
brachysoma | brachýs (Gr), short; sõma (Gr), body, referring to height of body nearly equal to length of head (Horabagrus brachysoma). |
branickii | Patronym not identified, probably in honour of Hieronim Florian Radziwill Konstanty, Count Branicki (1823–1884), Polish nobleman who employed ornithologist Jan Stolzmann (also spelled Sztolcman, 1854-1928), who collected holotype, (Chaetostoma branickii). |
branneri | In honour of Dr. J. C. Branner, the American naturalist. |
breei | This Corydoras (Hoplisoma) was named in honour of Dr. Peter Jan Hendrik van Bree. |
brevianalis | From the Latin brevis (short) and anus (here referring to the anal fin) because of the short anal fin and the low number of anal fin rays in the types of this species. |
brevibarbis | With short barbels. |
brevicauda/us | With short caudal. |
brevidorsalis | With short dorsal. |
brevifilis | With short filaments. |
brevipinnis | With short fins. |
brevirostris | With a short snout. |
brevis | short, referring to short and deep body, shorter than Tridens melanops, its presumed congener at the time. |
brichardi | In honour of Pierre Brichard, a collector in Burundi. |
brieni | In honour of friend and zoological colleague Paul Brien (1894-1975), Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), a member of expedition that collected type, and who was the first to observe the behavior of this genus in the wild (aligning their bodies along the stems of riparian grasses, feeding on epiphytic microorganisms), (Belonoglanis brieni). |
brittoi | Corydoras brittoi is named in honour of Marcelo Ribeiro de Britto, a dear friend and mentor, for his extensive contributions to the taxonomy and systematics of the Corydoradinae. A genitive. |
britzi | Named for Ralf Britz, who collected some of the specimens used for the description of this species, (Eutropiichthys britzi) in recognition of his many contributions to the knowledge of diverse groups of fishes and to the fishes of Myanmar. |
britskii | Dedicated to Heraldo A. Britski. |
brooksi | Species epithet honours American artist David Ian Brooks, born 14 December 1975, for providing critical support to N.K.L. during eight ichthyological expeditions to Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Venezuela from 2005 to 2023. Without David's camaraderie and assistance with funding and fieldwork, many thousands of fish specimens, tissues, photos, and associated data could never have been collected. The holotype of Paravandellia brooksi was collected just two weeks before N.K.L. and Brooks first met on a bedrock island in the Casiquiare Canal. |
brunnea | brown, referring to “dark earth brown” colour in life, brown spots on pectoral, dorsal and adipose fins, mostly brown dorsal fin, and large irregular blackish brown spots on tail (Tatia brunnea). |
brunneus | Dusky, dark, tawny. |
buchanani | This sp. of Glyptothorax was named in honour of A. R. Buchanan, of the Borneo Co.Ltd., who in 1935, made a small but valuable collection of fishes from certain rivers of N.Thailand, from which collections had not previously been made. |
budgetti | In honour of British zoologist John Samuel Budgett (1872-1904), who collected type (Synodontis budgetti). |
buettikoferi | In honour of Swiss zoologist Johann Büttikofer (1850-1927), Director, Zoological Garden in Rotterdam, who presented type to the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie (Leiden, Netherlands), (Parauchenoglanis buettikoferi). |
buffei | In honour of J. Buffe, Director, Eaux et Forêts (Waters and Forests) Service, Dahomey (now Benin), “who witnessed the discovery” of this species (Pareutropius buffei). |
bufonius | Latin, Bufo=toad, and latin = ius = comparing the colour pattern of the holotype to that of a brown toad. |
burgessi | Named in honour of Dr. Warren E. Burgess. |
burmanicus | Burmese, referring to type locality at Salween, Burma (now Myanmar; also occurs in India and Bangladesh), (Arius burmanicus). |
burmensis | From Burma (Myanmar). |
butleri | Named in honour of W. 'Harry' Butler, who assisted in with the collection of many of the paratypes. |
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