Can be distinguished from all of its congeners by
the combination of the presence of an eye, the conical
teeth on the vomer and dentary, a body depth greater
than 0.22 of SL, the elongated filaments on the distal
portions of the first rays of the dorsal and pectoral
fins in all specimens, and the presence of transversely-aligned,
slit-like posterior nares. Aquarium Care:
I would suggest a minimum size of Aquaria to be 72”
x 24” X 24” if you are going to keep these
catfish until they attain adult size. There is no
real preference of substrate when keeping these catfish
however; I would suggest good quality aquarium sand
such as BD Aquarium Sand, or very smooth rounded gravel.
The aquarium should provide minimal shelter in the
form of rocks or bogwood due to the fact that this
catfish is constantly on the go, swimming in the midwater
regions of the water body. As with all other species
of fish, water quality and general husbandry is very
important, and I would recommend that a minimum of
25% water is changed on a weekly basis due to the
fact that these catfish are constantly looking for
food and the diet is fish or meat based. Lighting
should be dim, due to the poor eyesight of these catfish
and the fact that they are found at relatively deep
water levels in their natural habitat. Diet:
Cetopsis coecutiens and C.
candiru which
achieve the largest body sizes within the Cetopsinae,
are notorious for their voracious feeding habits;
attacking not only carrion, but also live fishes in
gill-nets (Barthem & Goulding, 1997: 44), and
on occasion humans (Goulding, 1989: 185). The predatory
and scavenging feeding habits of these species of
Cetopsis perhaps contributed to the erroneous assumption
that members of the Cetopsinae are “parasitic”;
a conclusion that may have lead various previous researchers
to align members of that subfamily with the species
of the family Trichomycteridae, some members of which
feed on the blood of their hosts. In contrast to the
voracious feeding habits of Cetopsis candiru
and C. coecutiens, all other members of the
subfamily for which the diet is known prey primarily
on allochthonous and aquatic insects.
Whale Cat
Silurus coecutiens,
Silurus caecutiens
South America:
Amazon, Tocantins, and Orinoco River basins. Type
locality: Brazil.
26.5cm. (10½ins)
22-28°c (71-83°f )
Factsheet no.
124. October 2006. Vari, R.P., C.J. Ferraris,
Jr. and M.C.C. de Pinna
2005 The neotropical whale catfishes (Siluriformes:
Cetopsidae: Cetopsinae), a revisionary study. Neotrop.
Ichthyol. 3(2):127-238.
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