Two New Species of Corydoras (Part One)

Harro Hieronimus

oachim Knaack has just just published two new Corydoras species. (March & April 2002)

1. Corydoras bilineatus (now Gastrodermus bilineatus)

This is a tiny species closely resembling C. nanus (now Gastrodermus nanus). This fish was erroneously named C. latus (now Gastrodermus latus) for some time. It belongs to the elegans group. It is found in Bolivia, Santiesteban Chane and Mineiros. It is also found in Santa Cruz, vicinity of Buena Vista and in the vicinity of Cochabamba, Chapare, Pto. San Franscisco as well as Beni, Moxos and some other places in Santa Cruz.

Reference: Joachim Knaack: Ein neuer Panzerwels aus Bolivien: Corydoras bilineatus n.sp. (Pisces, Siluriformes, Callichthyidae). Aquaristik Aktuell 4-2002, pp.50-56.

2. Corydoras cruzienses (now Hoplisoma cruziense)

This also is a small species which superficially resembles C. trilineatus (now Hoplisoma trilineatum). However, it does not show the lateral stripe where the two rows of bony plates touch. and has more spots on the body than lines at the plate ends.It has spots on the head and a prominent blotch at the upper part of the dorsal fin up to the top of it. The pectoral spines are small and not very serrated but larger in the female. The females become very thick when ripe. Females may become 45 mm, males nearly 40 mm. This cory is also found in Bolivia, Departamentos Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, and Beni. It is wide spread. It was also named C012.

Reference: Joachim Knaack: Ein weiterer neuer Panzerwels: Corydoras cruziensis n. sp. (Pisces, Siluriformes, Callichthyidae). VDA-Aktuell 3.2002, pp. 60-69.


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