Distinguished from Trichomycterus therma
by having prepelvic length 56.6-57.6% of SL (vs. 58.7-61.0);
head width 17.4-18.9% SL (vs. 19.1-22.8); and submaxillary
barbel length 43.3-54.8% SL (vs. 23.9-37.5). Shares
with Trichomycterus corduvensis for having
the shape of maxilla, which has anterior process enlarged
and equal to, or longer than the main axis of the
bone and with an anterolateral orientation. Diet:
will feed on most aquarium fare such as tablet, frozen
and live foods. Remarks:
Trichomycterus tiraquae has most recently
been assessed for The IUCN Red List of Threatened
Species in 2020 and is listed as Least Concern. There
are no data on the population size and trend for this
species. However, it is relatively common in tributaries
of the Grande River system between 2,500 and 3,900
m asl.
Pygidium tiraquae
South America:Thermal stream, Bolivia. Type locality:
Pucara River, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
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