This species and three others
had been placed in a new genus, Sophiancistrus
Rapp Py-Daniel, 1989. This may change in the future
as Seidel (2008) states that the name Peckoltichthys
could take precedence (see Remarks below). This species
is quite plainly coloured which has an unusually long
head with the eyes positioned wide apart. Was first
thought to be Peckoltia ucayalensis(Fowler, 1940) which has now been proven as a
synonym to P. bachi.Aquarium Care:
No problems but wood should be provided in the aquarium.
A light current and warm water that is clean. Diet:
Omnivores, easy to feed with frozen and live foods
and also tablet and flake food. Etymology:
The genus name Peckoltichthys: Named for
Snr. Gustavo Peckolt of the Natural History Commission
of Rondon. The specific name bachi: In honour
of José Bach, a physician working on the Rio
Juruá of Brazil in the late 1800s, who collected
holotype. Remarks:
This species has now been resurrected as Peckoltichthys
as monotypic, and as of the latest paper by Armbruster
et al. (2015). Can still be found on some online searches
by its synonym of Peckoltia bachi.
South America:
Upper Amazon River and its tributaries: Brazil, Bolivia,
Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Type locality:Rio Jurua, an affluent of the Amazons, Brazil.
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