The differences between the Panaqolus and
the Panaque genera is that the latter has
an oval shaped mouth and the jaws have very large
spatulate teeth with a single cusp, arranged in a
v form and Panaqolus have a small number
of spatulate teeth and are also a smaller genus.
Aquarium Care: This species is a bit robust
in an aquarium set-up so would need plenty of hiding
places, plenty of water changes, due to their wood
eating habits, and powerfull filtration. Needs a spacious
aquarium. Diet: All Panaques
and also the Panaqolus genera are wood eaters
so would need this in an aquarium set-up. Feed also
vegetable foods such as cucumber, courgette (zucchini)
and sinking tablets. Etymology: The
specific name suttonorum: –orum (L.),
commemorative suffix, plural: in honour of Dr. (1894-1950)
and Mrs. Fredrick A. Sutton, who were “very
kind” to Schultz when he stayed at the camp
of the Lago Petroleum Corporation in Maracaibo, Venezuela
[originally spelled suttoni; emended speling
is in prevailing usage].
Blue-eye panaque
Panaque suttoni
South America:
Western and eastern tributaries of Lake Maracaibo,
Venezuela and Colombia. Type locality:
Río Negro below the mouth of the Río
Yasa, Maracaibo basin, Venezuela.
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