L174 has now been described
by Sousa, L. M. de., Sousa, E. B. de., Ribeiro, R.
de O., Sabaj, M. H., Zuanon, J., & Py-Daniel,
L. R. 2025. Habitat: It has a very
limited distribution, and is only known from a few
deep water pools downstream from Altamira, Rio Xingu,
Brazil. Description: Can be identified
by the overall spots and blotches weaving into a reticulated
pattern. Similar to the Panaque/Panaqolus and
Peckoltia genera but have fewer and larger
teeth in the lower and upper jaw. Sexual Differences:
Males posses a broader and longer head and odontodes
on the posterior part of the body, behind the gill
covers and on the pectoral fin spines. The latter
two are a lot shorter in the females. Aquarium
Care:No problem with keeping
in groups but only one Hypancistrus species
to a tank as there has been reports of hybridisation.
Diet: Omnivores, juveniles are keen
on vegetable foods whereas adults are less so. Frozen
foods such as brine shrimp, mosquito larvae and mussels
as well as tablet foods. Etymology:
The specific name yudja: Named after the
Yudjá (also known as Juruna), a group of indigenous
people from Volta Grande do Xingu. In the Tupi language,
Yudjá means “the river owners”.
This ethnic group has an intimate relationship with
the Xingu, being pioneers in navigation on the turbulent,
rocky-bottomed waters of this river. Hypancistrus
yudja is restricted to the Yudjá territory
and was a source of income for the indigenous ornamental
fishermen who dove below 15m to catch specimens for
the aquarium trade. Both the Yudjá people and
H. yudja are struggling to survive the environmental
impacts of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Complex on
Volta Grande do Xingu, and their fate is connected
and deeply threatened. Remarks:
This is one of the smaller species in this genera
and there is, at the moment, a ban on the export of
this species to the hobby so it would need to be kept
by L-number specialists with the intention of propagating
L174, Ozelot Pleco
Brazil: Pará,
Rio Xingu (Altamira-Belo Monte).
8.0cm. (3¼ins)
26-30°c (79-87°f.)
Seidel, I. 2008. Back to Nature guide to
L-catfishes, Ettlingen, Germany 208 p. Sousa, L. M. de ., Sousa,
E. B. de ., Ribeiro, R. de O., Sabaj, M. H., Zuanon,
J., & Py-Daniel, L. R. (2025). Two new
species of Hypancistrus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
from the rio Xingu, Amazon, Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology,
23(1), e240080.
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