Danny Blundell
(2) Vedran Cuncic
(2) Yann Fulliquet (3) Charles
Gibbons (1) Mark Duffill
(2) Andrew Campbell (2) Daniel
Konn-Vetterlein (1)
L066 along with the Xingu
complex of L236, L287, L333, L399 & L400 have
now been described by Sousa, L. M. de., Sousa, E.
B. de., Ribeiro, R. de O., Sabaj, M. H., Zuanon, J.,
& Py-Daniel, L. R. 2025. Juveniles have a very
different colour pattern to the adults and individuals
can differ in colouration and body shape. Similar
to the Panaque/Panaqolus and Peckoltia
genera but have fewer and larger teeth in the lower
and upper jaw. Sexual Differences:
Males posses a broader and longer head and odontodes
on the posterior part of the body, behind the gill
covers and on the pectoral fin spines. The latter
two are a lot shorter in the females. Aquarium
Care:No problem with keeping
in groups but only one Hypancistrus species
to a tank as there has been reports of hybridisation.
They prefer water that is on the warm side (26-30°c),
soft and slightly acidic. Diet: Omnivores,
juveniles are keen on vegetable foods whereas adults
are less so. Frozen foods such as brine shrimp, mosquito
larvae and mussels as well as tablet foods. Etymology:
The specific name seideli: A patronym honouring
Ingo Seidel, a renowned German aquarist whose decades
of dedication to the care, understanding, and breeding
of Hypancistrus species in captivity have
made him a global authority. Ingo’s vast contributions
to the knowledge of Hypancistrus (and other
loricariid genera) through numerous books and lectures
have significantly advanced the aquarium hobby, particularly
in the realm of pleco breeding. This species is named
in recognition of his unwavering passion and invaluable
contributions to the field. Remarks:
It has now been established that this species and
L333 are the same species and if they are kept together
in the same tank there is a possibility of cross breeding
between them. They are in fact differently marked
variants (phenotypes) of the same species.
King Tiger Pleco, L066, L236,
L287, L333, L399, L400
Brazil: Pará,
Rio Xingu (Belo Monte - Vitoria).
15.0cm. (6ins)
26-30°c (79-87°f.)
Cardoso, A. L., Carvalho,
H. L., Benathar, T. C., Serrão, S. M., Nagamachi,
C. Y., Pieczarka, J. C., de Sousa, L.M., Ready, J.S.,
and Noronha, R. C. (2016). Integrated Cytogenetic
and Mitochondrial DNA Analyses Indicate That Two Different
Phenotypes of Hypancistrus (L066 and L333) Belong
to the Same Species. Zebrafish, 13(3), 209-216. Seidel, I.
2008. Back to Nature guide to L-catfishes, Ettlingen,
Germany 208 p. Sousa, L. M. de ., Sousa, E. B. de ., Ribeiro,
R. de O., Sabaj, M. H., Zuanon, J., & Py-Daniel,
L. R. (2025). Two new species of Hypancistrus
(Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the rio Xingu, Amazon,
Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology, 23(1), e240080.
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