Although it has been placed
within the Pseudohemiodon group based on
its strongly depressed body, filamentous lips with
long fringed barbels, and small, spoon-shaped and
dentition, Dentectus also shows unique derived
features such as the presence of plates along the
outer margin of its maxillary barbels, and a unique
mouth structure that distinguishes it from all other
genera. Habitat: Dentectus barbamatus
usually inhabits white and black waters in rivers
with heterogeneous parameters on soft and sandy bottoms.
Aquarium Care: Prefers a sand substrate
as they like to dig. Diet: Algae
wafers, sinking tablet and frozen foods such as bloodworm
and shrimp. Etymology: The genus
name Dentectus: dens (L.), tooth; tectus
(L.), covered, concealed or disguised, referring to
teeth “invisible” in normally preserved
specimens, but easily observed in specimens that are
cleared and stained. The specific name barbarmatus:
barbus, from barba (L.), beard; armatus (L.), armed
with a weapon, referring to dermal ossifications (small
scutelets) on barbels. Remarks:
Dentectus barbamatus inhabits different environments
throughout the rivers in lowlands of Orinoco basin.
The species has a stable populations. Therefore, it
is evaluated as Least Concern (IUCN 2021).
South America:
Western Orinoco River basin (Colombia and Venezuela).
Type locality: Venezuela, Estado
Cojedes, Río Salinas, a tributary of the Río
Pao Viejo, N.E. of El Baul (9º13'N, 68º07'W).
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