visitors to ScotCat and of my monthly factsheet
series will probably surmise that I like a mystery
or two and this months (Nov.2000) offering is no different,
so hold on for another bumpy ride!.
member of the Schilbeidae family of glass catfishes
has a rather mysterious past as far as the aquatic
hobby is concerned.The fish we now know as P. buffei
was thought not too long ago to be Eutropiellus
debauwi and the common name given to it was
the “Debauwi Cat” and this fish, P. buffei
that is, is still labeled with this common name in
the aquatic trade. At one time we knew the two
fish as Eutropiellus buffei/debauwi but the
genus name of Pareutropius has now been given
to these two African Glass Cats.
Below I have included line drawings of the two species
for identification. Nine times out of ten you will
have P. buffei as P.
is rarely imported from the wild.
As mentioned earlier
they are a schooling species and they swim mid to
low water, head up and moving their caudal fin back
and forward. They are not timid when feeding time
comes around as they love their food and if you ever
want to catch this fish to show at a fish show this
is the ideal time to catch them as their minds are
very occupied when it comes to lunch. In saying
that they are not a very good show fish as they tend
to sulk in a show tank and don't show themselves of
to the best of their ability.
Asia: Lower
course of the Ouémé (Benin), the Ogun
(Nigeria) and the Niger.
7.5cm. (3ins)
up to 18dGH
Small dorsal fin and long anal
fin. Compressed body. Two midlateral body stripes,
the lower one reaching the insertion of the anal fin.
Two blotches on caudal fin.
Body colour sivery. A dark
grey/brown line along the back from snout to caudal
base. A dark grey/black broad stripe extends along
the lateral line continueing through to posterier
edge of caudal fin. A second oblique dark stripe
extends from the posterior edge of caudal fin. A
second oblique dark stripe extends from the posterior
border of the operculum to above the vent. A dark,
sometimes elongate spot on the upper and lower lobes
of the caudal fin. Base of anal fin marked with
a thin dark line. The three pairs of barbels are
colourless and difficult to see.
Care & Compatibility
Easy fish to keep in a shoal
with non-aggressive species.
Has been bred,
but only occasionally. They scatter their eggs of
up to 100 amongst the plants. Remove the parents as
they will eat the eggs. The eggs will hatch in three
days and when they have used up their yolk sac you
can feed brine shrimp and micro worm. They are a fast
growing species.
The females of
this species are usually a little bit plumper than
the males.
In my experience thay will
eat anything but they do love frozen bloodworm and
any live food such as Daphnia and Cyclops. Feed also
a good quality flake food.
of Terms
The bony covering of the gills of fishes.
Para = beside; eutropia = well-fed.
H.A. and R. Riehl 1985 Aquarien atlas. Band
2. Mergus, Verlag für Natur- und Heimtierkunde
GmbH, Melle, Germany. 1216 p. Catfish
Study Group Information
Sheet 20.
If you would like to contribute to the monthly
factsheets with an article, information or photos, please e-mail
me. You will of course be credited for your work.
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will go to running the site and hopefully to keep it going for a few
years yet.