Corydoras (now Brochis) has been around
since, as far as my investigations go, 1982. It was
first captioned in the Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine
in that year by Dr.Burgess as possibly Corydoras
bicolor, and later on in 1990 in David Sands Catfishes
of the World volume 1, as a colour variation of Corydoras
delphax. To add further to the mystery you can
also see this fish in Werner Seus's Corydoras book
as C004 ( the numbers given out by the German publication,
DATZ, to unidentified Cory's), but it is in this book
that a further caption explains the new name and the
author. It was
named Corydoras virginiae by Dr.Warren E.Burgess
in 1993 in honour of Adolfo Schwartz's wife, Virginia.
image above is one of four that I purchased in 1990
as Corydoras “zangama” a trade name
given to them in the UK around that period, they reside
in my 6' 0" community tank in my lounge with
large cats (Syno's, Chrysichthys
etc.) and a few large characins. They have been very
hardy and can compete no problem at all with the other
occupants for food.
mentioned this is quite a hardy Cory and will do fine
in a community tank. Would be best to purchase a group
of 4-6 or even more as they do like their own company.
Below in the breeding table is a report on the spawning
activity of this species kindly supplied by U.S. author
and aquarist Larry Vires.
Larry Vires for his contribution to this Factsheet.
placed in Lineage 8 sub clade 4 which comprises
the "intermediate long-snouts" with deeper
bodies. It also includes Brochis in sub-clade
1 which was synonymised with Corydoras
by Britto in 2003 but in time there will be a revision
which will resurrect Brochis (Cope, 1871)
to full genera again.
of the latest revision (Dias
et al 2024) Corydoras virginiae
has now been placed in Lineage 8 sub clade 4 and
has the new genus name of Brochis.
Silvery/beige with dark mask
over eyes and dark blotch leading from the front
of dorsal down to gill covers. Gill-covers have
a yellow/orange glimmer. All fins clear.
Care & Compatibility
This is akin to most of this
genus, very peaceful, and would be best housed with
small to medium tankmates such as Tetras, Rasboras
and Danios but will do
well with larger species or in their own tank for
breeding purposes.
Breeding report
from Larry Vires: “ I received a group of 6 fish
ranging in size from 1.5-2.0" SL April of 1997.
The fish did not have any noticeable dimorphism, but
were fed very heavily on blackworms and tablet foods
for the next 3 months. Water quality was maintained
at a pH of 7.0 and Total Dissolved Solids were approximately
150 ppm. Along with weekly water changes, the fish,
3 after shipping losses, all grew to a maximum size
of 2" rather quickly and one of the fish became
rather plump. However, there was no spawning activity
noticed. I then decided
to use a trick which I had used with other wild-caught
Corydoras. It is not highly scientific, but
is effective. Water changes of approximately 25% are
done daily with reverse osmosis water which is about
15' F cooler than the tank water, which should be
around 82' F. This will usually have an affect after
about a week, but these fish are very stubborn and
did not spawn until 3 weeks had gone by. There
were only about 25 eggs from each spawning, but the
fry were large for Corydoras, and grew to 3/4"
in their first month. Brine shrimp nauplii were fed
for the first 2 months, and blackworms were added
to the diet after the first month. Flake foods should
also be supplemented into their diet 3-4 times a week
to ensure a well rounded diet.”
The usual fare for adult
Corydoras/Brochis, a good quality flake food,
tablet food, frozen bloodworm and whiteworm used sparingly.
A sling, (a reference to the structure of the barbels). virginiae:
This Corydoras/Brochis was named in honour
of Adolfo Schwartz's wife, Virginia.
Markos & Taylor, Martin. (2011). Evolution,
ecology and taxonomy of the Corydoradinae revisited. Angelica C Dias, Luiz F C Tencatt, Fabio F
Roxo, Gabriel de Souza da Costa Silva, Sérgio
A Santos, Marcelo R Britto, Martin I Taylor, Claudio
Oliveira, Phylogenomic analyses in the complex
Neotropical subfamily Corydoradinae (Siluriformes:
Callichthyidae) with a new classification based on
morphological and molecular data, Zoological Journal
of the Linnean Society, 2024;, zlae053. Burgess,
E.Warren, Dr. Tropical Fish Hobbyist, 1982.
Fuller, I.A.M. & Evers, H-G: 2005 Identifying
Corydoradinae Catfish 384 p. Fuller, I.A.M. & Evers, H-G:
2005 Identifying Corydoradinae Catfish 384 p. Larry
Vires, Catfish Mailing List 1998.
David. Catfishes of the World V1 Supplement
1990. Seuss Werner. Corydoras. The most
popular armoured catfishes of South America.
If you would like to contribute to the monthly factsheets with an
article, information or photos, please e-mail
me. You will of course be credited for your work.
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will go to running the site and hopefully to keep it going for a few
years yet.