astrodermus hastatus
is a very small “mid-water shoaling” cory
in that it doesn't spend as much time on the substrate
as other Cory's do, and seems to prefer to sit on
the leaves of aquarium plants rather than sitting
on the bottom.
mentioned you should house these dwarf Cory's with
each other in a shoal with about about 1 dozen being
a nice number in a species tank, as these small Corydoras
will not do well in a community tank with robust tankmates
unless they are housed with small unagressive Characins.
This is the smallest
Cory to date and the females usually are a bit bigger
than the males. They are similar to Gastrodermus
pygmaes, another dwarf
Cory, but the black diamond shape in the caudal peduncle
and into the tail of hastatus, with the top
and bottom of this diamond ringed with white, tells
them apart as pygmaes sports a black band that
runs the full length of the body, ending just short
of the tail end, and ending in a slightly broader
can see in the above picture of Gastrodermus pygmaeus,
the differences in the black mid-lateral line
between it and our factsheet subject this month,
Gastrodermus hastatus.
is placed
in Lineage 4 which includes two of the dwarf species
and a revison would be a resurrection of the disused
Microcorydoras (Myers, 1953) with the designated
type species: C. hastatus. As of the latest
update Corydoras hastatus is now been placed
in Lineage 5 and has the new genus name of Gastrodermus
australe, Corydoras hastatus
South America:
Amazonas Villa Bella= Parintins (02º38'S, 56º45'W).
Male: 2.5cm. (1ins ) Female:
3.0cm (1¼ins)
23-27°C (73-81°F)
D 1/7; A 2/5-6; 22 bony scutes
in the upper lateral series, 20 in the lower.
Ground colour grey-green
to golden yellow. Back green-olive, flanks yellowish,
belly whitish. Head, body and fins sprinkled with
small dark spots. A black longitudinal band runs
from behind the gill-cover to a lozenge-shaped blotch
at the root of the tail; the latter blotch has a
yellowish margin above and below. A second broader
streak runs along the lower edge of the caudal peduncle.
Fins dull grey, the base of the caudal blackish.
Care & Compatibility
This is akin to most of this
genus, very peaceful, and would be best housed with
small to medium tankmates such as Tetras, Rasboras
and Danios or in a species
tank due to their small size.
I successfully
bred this species in 1988 and from my notes I had
them set-up in a 16” x 8” x 8” tank
furnished with a thin layer of sand, Java Moss and
a sponge filter. I had only the one pair and they
spawned after a cool water change, laying their eggs
on the glass sides and in the Java Moss. They also
laid eggs on a small piece of bogwood that I had put
in the tank after a club member had spawned them this
way and had advised me about the bogwood when I had
difficulty in trying to spawn them. Whether this was
a coincidence or not I do not know, but it worked.
I took the eggs away and into a small container, they
hatched 6 days later and I started feeding with Liquifry
for egglayers for 3 days, then on to brine shrimp.
Small pieces of food are needed
for this cory such as brine shrimp, crushed flake
food, tablets, freezed dry blocks of tubifex stuck
on the sides of the tank and any such food that will
fit in to their tiny mouth's.
lining membrane of the alimentary tract of an invertebrate,
used especially when the germ-layer origin is obscure. hastatus: Spear-shaped,
(referring to the spot).
Markos & Taylor, Martin (2011). Evolution,
ecology and taxonomy of the Corydoradinae revisited.
Angelica C Dias, Luiz F C Tencatt, Fabio F Roxo, Gabriel
de Souza da Costa Silva, Sérgio A Santos, Marcelo
R Britto, Martin I Taylor, Claudio Oliveira,
Phylogenomic analyses in the complex Neotropical subfamily
Corydoradinae (Siluriformes: Callichthyidae) with
a new classification based on morphological and molecular
data, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2024;,
Fuller, I.A.M. & Evers, H-G: 2005 Identifying
Corydoradinae Catfish 384 p. Lambourne, Derek.Corydoras Catfish, An Aquarists Handbook. Seuss, Werner;
Corydoras The most popular catfishes of South America.
Dähne Verlag, Ettlingen. Sterba's
Freshwater fishes of the World Vol.1 1973.
If you would like to contribute to the monthly factsheets with an
article, information or photos, please e-mail
me. You will of course be credited for your work.
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will go to running the site and hopefully to keep it going for a few
years yet.